Monday, 31 December 2012

As another year slips away...

I find myself taking stock more than usual. 2013, after all, sees a whole new world opening up for me. New house, new locale, new job (I hope!) - a new life, really, and I want to make sure I get this one right.

I'm not in the habit of making resolutions because I only break them anyway, and then I feel bad. I know that I should do the following in 2013:

Lose 10kgs
Stop drinking
Exercise more
Learn to swim (I live on the coast now, after all!)
Learn to like fish (the catching/killing/cleaning/cooking and eating thereof - I live in a fishing town!)

BUT - they all sound like far too much hard work. In 2013, therefore, I resolve to be braver, ride more, write more, stress less and Have More Fun! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

This chapter of my life is all about appreciating how very very fortunate I am to have certain gifts and to make the most of them, to be in this beautiful place with my dear little Basil  - and not to let my fears get in the way of moving onwards and upwards.

So, sliding into New Year's Eve, Basil and I are having a quiet and reflective time of it and avoiding the madness of New Years Eve in Mallacoota. The Golf Club will be hoppin' and the millions of Melbournian holidaymakers have turned the middle of town into a giant traffic jam, so I'm utterly delighted to be in my little house, a couple of kilometres out of town. The serenity is unbelievable.

I'd like to wish everyone a happy New Year - let's make 2013 a good one!


AndrewM said...

Don't forget to update your profile while time is hanging heavy on your hands - you may still love chilli and hate spiders but you're not Canberra dwelling any more.

VStar Lady said...

I resolve never to make resolutions myself ... and totally agree - serenity is beautiful. Happy New Year (whether you learn to swim or fish ... here's hoping you get more dry roads to ride on in this phase of your life!) Happy New Year.

Sue said...

Ah, thanks Andrew - done!
Happy New Year VStar Lady - here's to lots of good roads and great rides!

Trobairitz said...

Happy 2013 to you. It sounds as though you have realistic resolutions. Sometimes it is nice to let be what will be and steer the direction a little.

Whatever you do I will you joy and lots of riding.

MezLilySkye said...

Thank-you for sharing that Betty. It is reflecting a bit more succinctly what my hopes/plans are for 2013. Although my "Basil" is a 30kg dog called Lily from the Lost Dogs Home.